Temple Beth Am Funds

Adult Programming & Learning
This fund supports a wide variety of programming for adult congregants, including the University Lecture Series, Adult Hebrew, Sisters of Beth Am, and programs for senior citizens in our community. 

Beth Weisberg Educators Fund
Supporting professional development for Temple Beth Am teachers

Capital Improvement Fund
Gifts to the Capital Improvements Fund help ensure that we are able to make needed improvements to our temple facilities on a regular basis.

Clergy Discretionary Funds
Gifts to these funds are most frequently used for tzedakah at the discretion of our clergy. It is traditional to make gifts to these funds to show appreciation for our clergy if she or he has served you or your family in a time of need or celebration. Each Rabbi has their own discretionary fund Rabbi Ruth’s (Senior Rabbi) Rabbi Dana’s (Associate Rabbi) Rabbi Laura’s (Assistant Rabbi).

Faghin Worship Service Leadership Fund
Supports educating lay leaders in the skills needed to chant Torah, lead and participate in services. 

General Operating Fund
Temple Beth Am’s General Operating Fund helps meet our day-to-day operational needs. Gifts to this fund help sustain our basic needs. 

Homeless 2 Renter Fund
H2R is Temple Beth Am’s partnership with Jewish Family Service to assist families facing homelessness. JFS finds affordable housing for families in need, and H2R funds move-in costs and provides household supplies and furnishings.

Immigration Justice Fund
This fund helps offer opportunities for learning, action, and advocacy.  

Isaac Levin Memorial Fund
The Isaac Michael Levin Memorial Fund supports the Youth Programming & Education Fund, the Music Fund, and various temple tikkun olam (social action) initiatives. 

Jane Allen Campership Fund
The Jane Allen Memorial Campership Fund provides need-based scholarships for temple youth to attend the Jewish summer camp of their choosing.

Library Fund
This fund helps maintain vital, useful, and entertaining material in the TBA library.

Music Fund
The Music Fund helps support all aspects of Temple Beth Am’s sacred music programs: compensation of our music professionals, upkeep and periodic replacement of our musical instruments, purchase of music for the temple choir, and other costs associated with our music program. 

Ritual Life Fund
This fund ensures the care of our Torah scrolls and covers, siddurim and machzorim (prayerbooks for Shabbat, holidays and the High Holy Days), mezuzot, and more. Donations to this fund also make it possible for the temple to purchase new items that enrich our ritual life. 

This fund helps ensure quality care and Jewish learning for the very youngest members of our community as they pursue exploration and discovery. 

SEED Professional Experimental Learning Fund

Temple Endowment Fund
Gifts to the Temple Endowment are invested in a balanced stock portfolio, and the capital is never used. Interest from the endowment is used to help support temple operations from year to year. 

The Gan Scholarship Fund
This fund provides free or reduced tuition to families in need, ensuring that all parents are able to provide their children with a supplementary Jewish education. 

Youth Programming & Learning
Gifts to this fund help support education and youth engagement opportunities, including the Beth Am Religious School and our youth groups.