Can I make gifts to Temple Beth Am from my IRA?
Yes. If you are age 70 ½ or older, you may make tax-free gifts to registered charities from your IRA totaling up to $100,000 each year. These qualified charitable contributions (QCDs) qualify toward satisfying your required minimum IRA distributions for the year. QCDs do not require that you itemize deductions, which means that you may decide to take advantage of the higher standard deduction but still use a QCD for charitable giving. Please consult your tax advisor to learn more about this tax-advantaged giving option.
Does Temple Beth Am accept stock transfers?
Yes, Temple Beth Am is grateful to receive contributions made via stock transfers. There may be tax advantages to making a gift to Temple Beth Am in this way. Donors typically receive a tax deduction for the value of the stock transfer while avoiding capital gains taxes. Please consult your financial advisor for more information.
To facilitate a stock transfer, your broker will need the following information:
Charles Schwab
DTC #0164
Temple Beth Am
Acct #5436-3493
Schwab does not have the information about the originator of a transaction, so it helps us greatly to know about your donation in advance, including the name(s) of the stock(s) being transferred (if available), approximate amount, and how you would like Temple Beth Am to apply your gift.
Will Temple Beth Am accept a grant from a donor advised fund or family foundation?
Yes, we gladly accept such grants. Contact the temple by telephone (206-525-0915) or email us at with any questions. Please remember that such grants will not appear on your year-end giving statement.
What about gifts made by check, cash, or credit card?
We accept them in person, by mail, and through our online giving platform. We also encourage you to donate the processing fees associated with gifts made by credit card.
Is my donation eligible for corporate gift matching?
Your donation to Temple Beth Am may be eligible for matching by your employer under its corporate giving program. Many companies in the Seattle area including Boeing, Microsoft, Expedia, and Google have a matching gift program. Please contact your company’s matching gifts coordinator or HR department to determine whether your donation to Temple Beth Am’s education and social justice programs is eligible to be matched.
May I donate art, books, or other Judaica?
Unfortunately, Temple Beth Am is unable to accept most items. If you need help figuring out what items are or where they can be donated, we are here to help. We are sometimes able to accept works of art, collections of books, or other unsolicited gifts of Judaica valued at over $10,000 that are accompanied by an appraisal provided by the prospective donor. If you are interested in donating an item that fits these criteria or need help figuring out where to donate items, please contact the temple by telephone (206-525-0915) or by email at
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