Engage with Israel

Temple Beth Am works in conjunction with the Greater Seattle Jewish Community and our Israel Engagement Team (IET) to plan and promote events, provide learning opportunities, and help our congregation engage with Israel. If you have a suggestion, want to connect with IET, or would like to find out how to participate, please regularly check out the events on this page or email temple@templebetham.org.


Mission Statment

The Israel Engagement Team strives to provide TBA members with events, programs, and educational opportunities that explore Israel’s history, culture, politics, and people to enrich their relationship with and understanding of Israel. As part of the Union of Reform Judaism, a progressive Jewish organization, IET seeks to engage with members and other organizations in support of Israel as a democratic, pluralistic, Jewish state.

– Israel Engagement Team

Learn About Israel

Israel’s People: Before and After Statehood

Attendees had the opportunity to learn about the history of Israel’s diverse population, exploring who lived in historic Israel before 1948 and the religious and ethnic diversity that shapes Israeli society today. If you missed the event or would like to revisit the discussion, you can watch the full recording on YouTube here

Nancy Koppelman

Dr. Nancy Koppelman has taught at The Evergreen State College for thirty years. She currently works nationwide delivering professional and public education on topics pertinent to the Jewish people. She has served as a Humanities Washington speaker educating people across the state. Nancy earned a B.A.from Evergreen, an M.A. in History from the University of Washington, and a Ph.D. in American Studies at Emory University.

Recent Article: Professor Koppelman’s article Wing Luke walkout misconstrues ‘Confronting Hate Together,’ appeared in the Seattle Times, regarding the canceled exhibition: Confronting Hate TogetherWing Luke walkout misconstrues ‘Confronting Hate Together’ | The Seattle Times


“Can We Talk About Israel” by Daniel Sokatch

Video of Daniel Sokatch Conversation: Can We Talk About Israel? on Sept. 11: click here.

This book is a concise history of Israel, its relationship to Palestine, and the basic outline of this complicated conflict. Author Daniel Sokatch is also head of the New Israel Fund, an organization dedicated to equality and democracy for all Israelis. The book was selected for an all-temple read, and on Sept 11, author Daniel Sokatch met with Rabbi Ruth for a live discussion of the book which included audience Q&A. To watch the full video of the “Can We Talk About Israel?” live event, click here.

Rabbi Ruth’s Remarks on Israel

Click Here to read Rabbi Ruth’s Yom Kippur Prayer for Israel


Causes & Events Supporting Israel


Teen Leadership Council Starts Oct 20

After a difficult year last year, many Jewish high school students are concerned about facing antisemitism or anti-Zionism during the upcoming year.

To support them, StandWithUs offers a free, multi-part program called Teen Leadership Council. TLC participants will learn how to effectively identify and combat antisemitism, develop leadership and communication skills, and deepen their connection to and understanding of Israel and the Jewish people – all delivered by their team in a professional, engaging, and nonpartisan way.
TLC is open to all high school students, with the first session starting on October 20. There is no cost to participate.
For more information, or for teens to apply, visit this link.


World Zionist Congress Campain 2025

Please direct your attention to the graphic with information about the upcoming World Zionist Congress Elections. Scan the QR code to learn more and get involved. It is hard in a few words to convey the importance of every one of us participating in this worldwide election.The World Zionist Congress is our one chance to have a vote in the policy and budget decisions of the Jewish state.  If you participate, you will help ensure that billions of dollars will continue to be allocated for progressive Judaism, for justice, and democracy, and even we pray, peace efforts in Israel. If you struggled to answer the question, “What can I really do to make a difference in Israel right now?” this is your answer! 


 Stopping hate
and extremism
The New Israel Fund stands for equality and justice for everyone in Israel.

The New Israel Fund’s founders envisioned an Israel that reflected their progressive values. Thousands of Israelis and supporters of Israel worldwide have since joined forces to push for an Israel where everyone can participate in a shared and just society. Together, we are working to build a stronger democracy in Israel, rooted in the values of equality, of inclusion, and of social justice.

If you would like to learn more about NIF click here


Standing up for a democratic Israel

UnXeptable is a grassroots movement launched by Israeli expats in support of a democratic Israel. We call on world Jewry to come together and preserve the democratic identity of Israel as the home of all of its inhabitants.

If you would like to learn more about Unxeptable click here