About The Gan

In the 21st century, we know that Jewish learning is a holistic and integrated part of Jewish living. We know that our students have three thousand years of Jewish information at their fingertips through any of their devices. Yet, even with all this information, it is easy to feel isolated and alone. We want to focus on building community and offer Jewish learning with an emphasis on values and not just content, on community both in and out of the synagogue building.

Our primary goal is for all our youth to be inspired to joyfully deepen their relationships to Judaism and the community by engaging their souls, hearts, and minds. The name of our Youth Learning and Engagement Program is Gan HaLimud, colloquially called The Gan, which means “Garden of Learning”. This term speaks to how we help our learners bloom and blossom, and it certainly connects to our Pacific Northwest landscape. Sometimes the word “HaGan” refers to the Garden of Eden.

Here at Temple Beth Am, we use the term in our own distinct way—to remind ourselves we are all responsible for cultivating the garden of learning.

All of our students work to develop their prayer readiness skills. We seek to utilize new and different tools to create a holistic and dynamic approach to learning Hebrew. Our students explore the aleph bet and Hebrew words and phrases that are an important part of our life-cycle events, community, and heritage. Using a combination of learning strategies, reading, songs, storytelling, games and more, students begin to construct and practice their Hebrew vocabulary, developing meaning and understanding that they will build upon each year. PK-2 utilizes adaptations from Hebrew through Movement, while 3rd-7th uses various personalized adaptations of decoding methods we have customized at Temple Beth Am to fit our students needs. 

The Gan meets on Sundays from 9:30 AM-12:00 PM for all students & Madrichim grades Pre-K through 12. 

Midweek classes take place on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 PM for 7th & 8th graders and 9th-12th graders.

Midweek classes take place on Thursdays from 5-6:30 PM for 4th-6th graders.

In addition to these class times, there will be opportunities to attend retreats and grade level trips starting in 4th Grade.

Tuition only covers 60% of The Gan’s costs. Our largest expense is the phenomenal teachers and mentors working with our children.  

All members help contribute to the cost of The Gan through their Annual Financial Commitment to Temple Beth Am (dues), however tuition is essential to support this foundational program. The unsubsidized cost of The Gan includes Sunday and midweek classes, retreats and youth activities (grades 4-12), snacks, pizza and salad for weeknight classes, b’mitzvah guidance, and clergy meetings. 

The standalone tuition cost is lower thanks to the contributions from dues from the wider congregation. Your support matters! If you are able to donate the difference between the cost of The Gan and the subsidized tuition, there is an option to do so on the enrollment form. This difference is tax deductible! 

Scholarships are available upon request. A link to the scholarship application will be provided upon completion of Gan enrollment. 

5785 Tuition: 

For grades PK-3
Unsubsidized Tuition: $1420 ($1000+420 tax deductible donation) 

For grades 4-7
Unsubsidized Tuition: $2515 ($1770+745 tax deductible donation) 

For grades 8-12
Unsubsidized Tuition: $1905 ($1350+555 tax deductible donation) 

Download or view our curriculum here.