Teen Programming 5784

At Beth Am, Jewish learning doesn’t stop after B_Mitzvah. When enrolled in The Gan, 7-12th grade students will participate in both our Sunday and midweek programming. Teens will also have the opportunity to go on relationship and identity building trips and retreats.

Sundays in The Gan


The Madrichim program  builds essential skills of resiliency, kindness, empathy and relational literacy that last a lifetime! It is not only a great first job, it is a holistic learning experience. Similar to assistant teachers in secular schools, our teens work directly with students helping to support learning engagement. Madrichim work under the supervision of Gan faculty and mentors in our learning spaces practicing their skills as facilitators and leaders. The Madrichim position can be either a volunteer or paid position.

9-12th graders will have the opportunity go on our High School Retreat.

The Madrichim Internship Year prepares students to be Madrichim and leaders in our community, deepen relationships amongst the 8th-grade cohort and foster their Jewish identities. The 8th grade internship year will consist of frequent experiential field trips interspersed with classroom time at Temple Beth Am. 8th graders will explore leadership within conversations amongst their cohort and by interning in classrooms in The Gan. This internship is led by Madrichim mentors, faculty and guest educators.

8th graders will take a trip as a cohort.

Midweek Programs (7-12th Grades)

This year, The Gan is partnering with a variety of organizations and Jewish subject matter experts to provide an array of Midweek programming. Teens enrolled in The Gan will have the opportunity to choose which Jewish topics they would like explore in depth. The following is an overview of programs that will be offered periodically throughout the year. Students will choose their programs in the fall.

Students will use cooking as a vehicle to engage with Jewish geographic history and present. The Gan is partnering with Culinary Jewish Academy for this hands-on exploration of Judaic texts, values and content through a culinary lens.

Students will learn about the historical, cultural, and socio-political context as it pertains to Israel while honing their critical thinking skills. Israel Education will be taught by subject matter experts who will cover a variety of topics and help students engage in difficult conversations with  compassion, empathy and an open mind.

Learn the spoken language of Hebrew! In this program students will learn and practice conversational modern Hebrew and explore its history. They will also deepen their understanding of the language beyond what they hear at services. 

Students will explore the Jewish value of tzedek in discussions about food security and food justice. They will investigate poverty through a holistic, anti-bias and dignity lens. The Gan is partnering with Jewish Family Services to offer this  social justice elective. 

Look at the inner workings of Jewish legal tradition! In the months leading up to the Maimonides Moot Court competition, students and their coach, Executive Director Davida Sims will be provided a detailed case involving a contemporary ethical quandary and a sourcebook of relevant Jewish texts.

Only open to 11th and 12th grade students. 

This course will culminate in spring trip to New York to attend the competition

Learn to lead music at services, become a song leader in The Gan, camp, or host a holiday experience for friends and family. With guidance from musical mentors,  students will learn techniques for leading prayer, songs, and services. This program will include opportunities for a song leading practicum on Sundays in The Gan and beyond.   

Students will use art as a way to explore intersectional Jewish identity. They will look at contemporary artists across a variety of mediums to understand art as a powerful tool for self expression, activism, and engagement with Jewish values and Torah. In addition to looking at discussing lots of art, students will have opportunities to experiment with their own work. 

A spiritual, reflective and community building opportunity for all 10th grade students in The Gan. Our Covenant Renewal cohort works closely with the Beth Am clergy in expanding and  deepening their personal relationships to Judaism. This course will culminate in leading Beth Am’s annual Shavuot and Covenant Renewal Service alongside peers. 

Meeting times times TBD. 

10th Graders also have the opportunity to travel to  Washington D.C for L’Taken with clergy and inspiring mentors.